Tuesday 7 October 2014

Romance Cliches, Codes and Conventions-Will Smith

1.Audience: Aimed at female audience.
2.12 – 15 certificate to maximise the audience
3.A typical romance genre would include sexuality, status, gender and relationships.
4.Narrative: falling in love, dating, kissing
5.Often a voiceover is used to introduce the love theme
6.Main characters are introduced – attractive female and male
7.Setting: they are normally set in an urban environment, a beach, a school etc, places where a chance encounter would happen.
8.Camera Angles: Establishing the shot of the setting which is recognisable to the audience; close up shots of the main characters face(s), this would show their emotion; two shots are of the girl and the guy to show their relationships.
9.Sound:Non diegetic sound sets the mood, tone or atmosphere eg. happy peaceful. Diegetic sounds are dialogue about romance or love.

1. The heroine is stunningly beautiful. The hero imagines running his finger through her hair or making love to her as well as the heroine having dimple cheeks, not to mention her watermelon breasts and thimble waist. Likewise, the hero is tall, broad-shouldered, muscled like a python and hung like a horse.

2. The heroine is a princess. Or a movie star, the president’s daughter, etc..

3. The hero is a prince, tycoon, billionaire or sheik.

Typical conventions of Romance