Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Children of Men Opening Scene Analysis-Will Smith

The beginning of the film starts with news reporters describing that it is "day 1000 of the siege of Seattle" the news anchor continues to mention that the army have occupied the cities mosques and that Britains borders remained closed as illegal immigrants get deported.

The camera cuts to a high angle shot of a worried crowd of people in a cafe after the news correspondent says how Diego Ricardo, the youngest person on earth dies. People look desperate and sad. Theo Faron the main protagonist of the film barges his way through to the front of the cafe and gets a black coffee, he looks tired and low on money. Everyone is wearing dull, ripped and tired clothes, suggesting people are going through financial hardships.

After Diego Ricardo's death we learn that the year is 2027. We see him get a hip flask out and poor alcohol in his coffee. The opening scene ends with a building exploding next to Theo causing shock for the pedestrians on the street.

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