Sunday 15 February 2015

Actors Interviews-Will Smith

Interview with some of the cast from The Woods By The Lake.

Was filming the introduction difficult? 

Michael Charalambous:-"It was difficult as we had to rely on the weather quite heavily. We couldn't film in the rain or snow and we didn't really want to have the introduction filmed in the dark. But obviously as it was filmed in the winter time that meant that time was against us as it got dark pretty early."

What was the funniest thing that happened on set? 

Matty Folkes:-"During filming for a scene where Will has to turn around with an expression of shock on his face, we attacked him with a can of deodorant and sprayed him in the face as a prank which was probably the funniest thing that happened on set."

Was it difficult to direct the opening? 

Kai Bingham:-"It is always difficult trying to direct three other 16 year olds but everyone chips in with good ideas on how we could improve or adapt our film."

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