Friday 20 February 2015

Diary of Filming-Will Smith

Firstly we set up the walking scene finding the best angle to film the three characters going into the wood after finding the right angle we had some camera issues as the cameraman accidentally put his finger in the top of the lens. After filming that scene we filmed a scene of walking through the forest this was and over the shoulder shot so it made it easier to do as it was done it 1 take. The next scene filmed was the POV shot this was easier to do as it there wasn't a need for a whole amount of quality as the shakier the camera the better it would fit the character arc. We then filmed the social scene between the friends we found a log to sit on which made it easier to do, this was easier as the only thing we as the characters had to focus on was what was needed to make the scene; the script body language camera angle and etc. the final scene we had to film was the first murder scene, this took about 5 takes as the people involved couldn't get it right.

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